Texas Parks And Wildlife Code Title 5, Chapter 68 - Endangered Species
- Texas Section 68.001 - Definitions
In this chapter: (1) "Fish or wildlife" means any wild mammal, aquatic animal, wild bird, amphibian, reptile, mollusk, or crustacean, or any part, product, egg,...
- Texas Section 68.002 - Endangered Species
Species of fish or wildlife indigenous to Texas are endangered if listed on: (1) the United States List of Endangered Native Fish and Wildlife; or...
- Texas Section 68.003 - Statewide Extinction List
(a) The director shall file with the secretary of state a list of fish or wildlife threatened with statewide extinction. (b) Fish or wildlife may...
- Texas Section 68.004 - Amendments To List By Director
(a) If the list of endangered native species issued by the United States is modified, the director shall file an order with the secretary of...
- Texas Section 68.005 - Petition Of Reclassification
(a) Three or more persons may petition the department to add or delete species of fish or wildlife from the statewide extinction list. (b) The...
- Texas Section 68.006 - Permit For Taking Endangered Species
The provisions of Subchapter C, Chapter 43, of this code are applicable to all fish or wildlife classified as endangered, and it is a violation...
- Texas Section 68.007 - Propagation Permit Required
No person may possess endangered fish or wildlife for the purpose of propagating them for sale unless he has first acquired a commercial propagation permit...
- Texas Section 68.008 - Original Propagation Permit
(a) A person may apply for an original propagation permit by submitting an application containing information or statements as required by the department and by...
- Texas Section 68.009 - Renewal Propagation Permit
(a) A person holding an original propagation permit or a renewal propagation permit is entitled to receive from the department a renewal propagation permit on...
- Texas Section 68.010 - Reports By Permittee
A person holding a commercial propagation permit shall send to the department annually: (1) a written evaluation by a veterinarian licensed to practice in this...
- Texas Section 68.011 - Refusal Or Cancellation Of Permit
(a) If, on the basis of the reports required by Section 68.010 of this code or an investigation or inspection by an authorized employee of...
- Texas Section 68.012 - Appeal
(a) A person aggrieved by the action of the department in refusing to grant or renew a commercial propagation permit or in cancelling a permit...
- Texas Section 68.013 - Disposition Of Fish Or Wildlife
A person who ceases to hold a commercial propagation permit under this chapter shall dispose of endangered fish or wildlife held after the expiration or...
- Texas Section 68.014 - Regulations
The department shall make regulations necessary to administer the provisions of this chapter and to attain its objectives, including regulations to govern: (1) permit application...
- Texas Section 68.015 - Prohibited Acts
(a) No person may capture, trap, take, or kill, or attempt to capture, trap, take, or kill, endangered fish or wildlife. (b) No person may...
- Texas Section 68.016 - Sold Species To Be Tagged
No person may sell endangered fish or wildlife or goods made from endangered fish or wildlife unless the fish or wildlife or goods are tagged...
- Texas Section 68.017 - Seizure Of Fish Or Wildlife
(a) A peace officer who has arrested a person for a violation of this chapter may seize fish or wildlife or goods made from fish...
- Texas Section 68.018 - Disposition Of Funds; Appropriations
All revenue received under this chapter shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the special nongame and endangered species conservation account....
- Texas Section 68.019 - Applicability Of Chapter
All species and subspecies of wildlife classified as endangered are governed by this chapter to the exclusion of other regulatory and licensing laws. Acts 1975,...
- Texas Section 68.020 - Exceptions
(a) This chapter does not apply to: (1) coyotes (prairie wolves); (2) cougars; (3) bobcats; (4) prairie dogs; or (5) red foxes. (b) This chapter...
- Texas Section 68.021 - Penalty
(a) A person who violates any provision of this chapter commits an offense that is a Class C Parks and Wildlife Code misdemeanor. (b) A...
Last modified: September 28, 2016