Texas Transportation Code Title 4, Chapter 62 - Navigation District Pilot Boards
- Texas Section 62.001 - Definition
In this chapter, "navigation district" means a navigation district included in: (1) Subchapters C, D, E, F, G, and H, Chapter 60, Water Code; (2)...
- Texas Section 62.021 - Pilot Board; Commissioners Of Pilots
(a) The pilot board of a navigation district is composed of the district's navigation and canal commissioners. (b) A member of the pilot board is...
- Texas Section 62.022 - Term Of Office
The term of office of a commissioner of pilots coincides with the person's term as a navigation and canal commissioner. Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch....
- Texas Section 62.023 - Disqualification
A person who is engaged directly or indirectly in a towing, pilot boat, or other business affected by or connected with the performance of the...
- Texas Section 62.024 - Jurisdiction
The pilot board of a navigation district has exclusive jurisdiction over the pilotage of a vessel between the Gulf of Mexico and a port of...
- Texas Section 62.025 - Powers Of Pilot Boards
The pilot board of a navigation district may: (1) appoint, suspend, or dismiss a branch or deputy pilot of a port in the district; (2)...
- Texas Section 62.041 - Branch Or Deputy Pilot Qualifications
(a) The pilot board of a navigation district shall examine and determine the qualifications of each applicant for the position of branch or deputy pilot...
- Texas Section 62.042 - Oath; Bond
(a) A branch pilot appointed under this chapter or the rules of the pilot board of a navigation district must take the official oath. The...
- Texas Section 62.043 - Issuance Of Branch Pilot License
(a) On the filing of the bond and the taking of the oath required by Section 62.042, a commissioner of pilots shall certify to the...
- Texas Section 62.044 - Term Of Branch Pilot License
(a) The term of a branch pilot commission is four years. (b) If the pilot board of a navigation district dismisses a branch pilot from...
- Texas Section 62.045 - Appointment Of Deputy Pilots
(a) A branch pilot may appoint two deputy pilots, subject to the examination by and approval of the pilot board of a navigation district. (b)...
- Texas Section 62.046 - Suspension Or Dismissal Of Pilots
The pilot board of a navigation district may suspend or dismiss a branch or deputy pilot only for misconduct, inefficiency, or intoxication on duty and...
- Texas Section 62.061 - Definition
In this subchapter, "pilot" means a branch or deputy pilot appointed under this chapter. Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 165, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1,
- Texas Section 62.062 - Pilotage Charges Inapplicable
Pilotage charges under this subchapter do not apply to a vessel of 20 tons or less or to a vessel that is excepted by a...
- Texas Section 62.063 - Pilotage Charges
(a) A pilotage rate charged by a pilot must be fair and just. (b) A pilot shall furnish a schedule of pilotage rates that must...
- Texas Section 62.064 - Consignee Liability For Pilot Services
The consignee of a vessel is liable to a pilot for the pilotage of the vessel. Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 165, Sec. 1, eff....
- Texas Section 62.065 - Liability Of Certain Vessels Declining Pilot Services
(a) A vessel that, without the aid of a pilot, enters any channel that is under the jurisdiction of a pilot board of a navigation...
- Texas Section 62.066 - Liability Of Certain Vessels To Other Pilots
(a) A vessel that goes out of a channel under the jurisdiction of a pilot board of a navigation district without the aid of a...
- Texas Section 62.067 - Unauthorized Pilot Liability
A person, other than a pilot, who pilots a vessel for which a pilot is required out of or into a port, channel, or waterway...
- Texas Section 62.068 - Recovery Of Pilotage Charges
(a) A pilot may recover in court compensation for pilotage or services offered. (b) A pilot may bring suit to recover the payment under Section...
Last modified: September 28, 2016