Texas Utilities Code Title 3, Chapter 141 - Standards For Distribution System Retailers
Texas Section 141.001 - Definitions
In this chapter: (1) "Allowable markup" means the two-calendar-year rolling average of the differences between the monthly E.I.A. retail prices per gallon reported during the...
Texas Section 141.002 - Applicability
This chapter applies only to the retail sale of propane gas made by a distribution system retailer through a propane gas system. This chapter does...
Texas Section 141.003 - Rate And Fee Ceilings
(a) In each billing month, a distribution system retailer shall charge a customer a just and reasonable rate for propane gas provided through a propane...
Texas Section 141.005 - Continuity Of Service
(a) A distribution system retailer shall make all reasonable efforts to prevent interruptions of service. When an interruption occurs, the distribution system retailer shall reestablish...
Texas Section 141.006 - Grounds For Refusal To Serve
(a) A distribution system retailer may refuse service to an applicant for new service or to an existing customer for continued service or reconnection if:...
Texas Section 141.007 - Reasonable Time To Begin Service
A distribution system retailer may delay providing service following an application or execution of an agreement for service for a reasonable amount of time considering...
Texas Section 141.008 - Customer Complaints
(a) A distribution system retailer that receives a written complaint shall promptly and suitably investigate the complaint and advise the complainant of the results of...
Texas Section 141.009 - Performance Guarantee
A distribution system retailer shall post, in favor of the commission, financial surety in the form of a letter of credit, bond, or other acceptable...
Texas Section 141.010 - Disclosure To Homeowners
(a) A distribution system retailer shall record in the real property records of each county in which the distribution system retailer owns or operates a...