Miller-El v. Cockrell, 537 U.S. 322, 46 (2003)

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Cite as: 537 U. S. 322 (2003)

Thomas, J., dissenting

(Rand). The black veniremen who were given the graphic formulation, by contrast, gave ambiguous answers on their juror questionnaires expressing hesitation, rather than philosophical opposition, to the death penalty. Boggess answered "yes" to question 56 but also "yes" to question 58. Id., at 44. Kennedy answered "yes" to question 56 but indicated that he believed in the death penalty "[o]nly in extreme cases, such as multiple murders." Id., at 51. Troy Woods answered "no" to question 56, but also "no" to question 58, indicating he did not believe in the death penalty but would have no personal objection to imposing it. Id., at 180. He wrote "that [sic] not punishment," in the space provided for question 56. Ibid. It happened that, while not completely clear about it in the questionnaire (and hence receiving the graphic formulation), Woods was an enthusiastic supporter of the death penalty, and he was, in fact, seated on petition-er's jury. Further confirming respondent's explanation, black veniremen Linda Baker, Janice Mackey, Paul Bailey, and Anna Keaton all gave unclear responses to questions 56 and 58 and all received the graphic formulation. See Tr. of Pretrial Hearings in No. F85-78660-NL (5th Crim. Dist. Ct., Dallas County, Tex.) (Def. Exh. 7).10

10 Questions 56 and 58, and the responses thereto, are found on page 6 of each questionnaire. Baker did not circle "yes" or "no" in answering question 56, but wrote "[m]y strongest feeling is against the death penalty; however, being aware of the overcrowding in jails and the number of murders[,] I would have to know the facts to make a decision . . . ." (Emphasis added.) Baker also did not answer question 58, writing "undecided" instead. Mackey answered question 56 "no," indicating she did not believe in the death penalty, and wrote "Thou Shall Not Kill" in the explanation space. She then proceeded to answer question 58 "no" as well. Bailey circled "yes" in answering question 56, but wrote in "NO" with a circle around it, along with such explanations as "yes for a major crime" and "[n]o one have [sic] the right to take anothe [sic] ones [sic] life." (Emphases in original.) He then circled "no" in answering question 58. Keaton circled "no," indicating she did not believe in the death penalty, when she answered question 56, writing "It's not for me to pun-


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