Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 18 Businesses And Professions - Section 18.108.095 Out-of-state applicants

§ 18.108.095. Out-of-state applicants

An applicant holding a license in another state or foreign jurisdiction may be granted a Washington license without examination, if, in the opinion of the board, the other state's or foreign jurisdiction's examination and educational requirements are substantially equivalent to Washington's: PROVIDED, That the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the board a working knowledge of Washington law pertaining to the practice of massage. The applicant shall provide proof in a manner approved by the department that the examination and requirements are equivalent to Washington's.

[1987 c 443 § 12.]

     Effective date -- 1987 c 443 § 12: "Section 12 of this act shall take effect June 1, 1988." [1987 c 443 § 19.]

Sections:  Previous  18.108.040  18.108.050  18.108.060  18.108.070  18.108.073  18.108.076  18.108.085  18.108.095  18.108.115  18.108.125  18.108.130  18.108.190  18.108.210  18.108.220  18.108.230  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009