Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 18 Businesses And Professions - Section 18.108.125 Inactive credential -- Reinstatement

§ 18.108.125. Inactive credential -- Reinstatement

(1) The secretary must grant a massage practitioner an inactive credential if the massage practitioner submits a letter to the board stating his or her intent to obtain an inactive credential, and he or she:

(a) Holds an active Washington state massage practitioner's license;

(b) Is in good standing, as determined by the board; and

(c) Does not practice massage in the state of Washington.

(2) The secretary may reinstate the massage practitioner's license if the massage practitioner:

(a) Pays the current active renewal fee and other fees for active licensure;

(b) Provides a written declaration that:

(i) No action has been taken by a state or federal jurisdiction or a hospital which would prevent or restrict the practitioner's practice of massage therapy;

(ii) He or she has not voluntarily given up any credential or privilege or been restricted in the practice of massage therapy to avoid other sanctions; and

(iii) He or she has satisfied continuing education and competency requirements for the two most recent years; and

(c) Meets other requirements for reinstatement, as may be determined by the board.

[2008 c 25 § 2.]

     Effective date -- 2008 c 25: See note following RCW 18.108.025.

Sections:  Previous  18.108.060  18.108.070  18.108.073  18.108.076  18.108.085  18.108.095  18.108.115  18.108.125  18.108.130  18.108.190  18.108.210  18.108.220  18.108.230  18.108.240  18.108.250  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009