Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 35 Cities And Towns - Section 35.81.115 General obligation bonds authorized

§ 35.81.115. General obligation bonds authorized

For the purposes of this chapter a municipality may (in addition to any authority to issue bonds pursuant to RCW 35.81.100) issue and sell its general obligation bonds. Any bonds issued by a municipality pursuant to this section shall be issued in the manner and within the limitations prescribed by the laws of this state for the issuance and authorization of bonds by such municipality for public purposes generally.

[1965 c 7 § 35.81.115. Prior: 1959 c 79 § 1.]

Sections:  Previous  35.81.060  35.81.070  35.81.080  35.81.090  35.81.095  35.81.100  35.81.110  35.81.115  35.81.120  35.81.130  35.81.140  35.81.150  35.81.160  35.81.170  35.81.180  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009