Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 85 Diking And Drainage - Section 85.08.200 Verdict to fix damages and benefits -- Judgment

§ 85.08.200. Verdict to fix damages and benefits -- Judgment

The jury in such condemnation proceedings shall find and return a verdict for the amount of damages sustained: PROVIDED, That the jury, in determining the amount of damages, shall take into consideration the benefits, if any, that will accrue to the property damaged by reason of the proposed improvement, and shall make special findings in the verdict of the gross amount of damages to be sustained and the gross amount of benefits that will accrue. If it shall appear by the verdict of the jury that the gross damages exceed the gross benefits, judgment shall be entered against the county, and in favor of the owner or owners of the property damaged, in the amount of the excess of damages over the benefits, and for the costs of the proceedings, and upon payment of the judgment into the registry of the court for the owner or owners, a decree of appropriation shall be entered, vesting the title to the property appropriated in the county for the benefit of the improvement district. If it shall appear by the verdict that the gross benefits as found by the jury equal or exceed the gross damages, judgment shall be entered against the county and in favor of the owner or owners for the costs only, and upon payment of the judgment for costs a decree of appropriation shall be entered, vesting the title to the property appropriated in the county for the benefit of the improvement district. The verdict and findings of the jury as to damages and benefits shall be binding upon the board appointed to apportion the cost of the improvement upon the property benefited as hereinafter provided.

[1913 c 176 § 14; RRS § 4419.]

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Last modified: April 7, 2009