Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 85 Diking And Drainage - Section 85.08.470 District funds

§ 85.08.470. District funds

There shall be established in the county treasury of any county in which any drainage or diking or sewerage improvement is established under the provisions of this chapter, appropriate funds as follows:

(1) The construction fund, into which shall be paid the proceeds of all bonds or warrants sold and the proceeds of all assessments paid prior to the sale of bonds or warrants. In case no bonds have been issued or warrants have been sold, the proceeds of all assessments levied to pay the cost of construction shall be paid into such fund. All warrants including temporary warrants, issued in payment of cost of construction shall be paid out of such fund.

(2) A fund for the redemption of all bonds issued or warrants sold, to be known as the redemption fund, into which shall be paid all proceeds derived from assessments levied to pay cost of construction which shall not have been paid prior to the sale of bonds or warrants, in case bonds have been issued or warrants sold, and also all moneys, if any, remaining in the construction fund after the payment of all warrants drawn against it as above provided. The redemption fund shall be applied, first, to the payment of the interest due upon all such outstanding bonds issued or warrants sold and, second, to the payment of the principal thereof. After the payment of the principal and interest of all such bonds or warrants, the balance, if any, remaining in such fund shall be applied to the payment of any warrants outstanding, including temporary warrants, which may have been issued in payment of cost of construction which for any reason may remain unpaid. Any balance, if any, thereafter remaining shall be paid into the maintenance fund.

(3) The maintenance fund, into which shall be paid the proceeds of all assessments for maintenance, and all other funds received by the district which are not required by the provisions of this chapter to be paid into the construction fund or the redemption fund.

[1923 c 46 § 11, part; 1917 c 130 § 33; 1913 c 176 § 31; RRS § 4439-1.]

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Last modified: April 7, 2009