Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 69 Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, And Poisons - Section 69.04.935 Salmon labeling -- Rules for identification and enforcement

§ 69.04.935. Salmon labeling -- Rules for identification and enforcement

To promote honesty and fair dealing for consumers, the director, in consultation with the director of the department of fish and wildlife, shall adopt rules:

(1) Fixing and establishing a reasonable definition and standard of identity for salmon for purposes of identifying and selling salmon;

(2) Enforcing RCW 69.04.933 and 69.04.934.

[1994 c 264 § 39; 1993 c 282 § 5.]

     Finding -- 1993 c 282: See note following RCW 69.04.932.

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Last modified: April 7, 2009