Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 69 Food, Drugs, Cosmetics, And Poisons - Section 69.04.960 Transport of bulk foods -- Compatible substances -- Cleaning vehicle or vessel -- Vehicle or vessel marking

§ 69.04.960. Transport of bulk foods -- Compatible substances -- Cleaning vehicle or vessel -- Vehicle or vessel marking

(1) The director of agriculture and the secretary of health shall jointly adopt by rule:

(a) A list of food compatible substances other than food that may be transported in bulk form as cargo in a vehicle or vessel that is also used, on separate occasions, to transport food in bulk form as cargo. The list shall contain those substances that the director and the secretary determine will not pose a health hazard if food in bulk form were transported in the vehicle or vessel after it transported the substance. In making this determination, the director and the secretary shall assume that some residual portion of the substance will remain in the cargo carrying portion of the vehicle or vessel when the food is transported;

(b) The procedures to be used to clean the vehicle or vessel after transporting the substance and prior to transporting the food;

(c) The form of the certificates to be used under RCW 69.04.965; and

(d) Requirements for the "Food or Food Compatible Only" marking which must be borne by a vehicle or vessel under RCW 69.04.955 or 69.04.965.

(2) In developing and adopting rules under this section and RCW 69.04.970, the director and the secretary shall consult with the secretary of transportation, the chief of the state patrol, the chair of the utilities and transportation commission, and representatives of the vehicle and vessel transportation industries, food processors, and agricultural commodity organizations.

[1990 c 202 § 3.]

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Last modified: April 7, 2009