Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 48 Insurance - Section 48.12.158 Insolvency of non-United States insurer or reinsurer -- Maintenance of assets -- Claims

§ 48.12.158. Insolvency of non-United States insurer or reinsurer -- Maintenance of assets -- Claims

Upon insolvency of a non-United States insurer or reinsurer that provides security to fund its United States obligations in accordance with chapter 379, Laws of 1997, the assets representing the security must be maintained in the United States and claims must be filed with and valued by the state insurance commissioner with regulatory oversight, and the assets distributed, in accordance with the insurance laws of the state in which the trust is domiciled that are applicable to the liquidation of domestic United States insurance companies.

[1997 c 379 § 3.]

     Purpose -- Intent -- 1997 c 379: See note following RCW 48.12.156.

Sections:  Previous  48.12.080  48.12.090  48.12.100  48.12.110  48.12.140  48.12.154  48.12.156  48.12.158  48.12.160  48.12.162  48.12.164  48.12.166  48.12.168  48.12.170  48.12.180  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009