Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 48 Insurance - Section 48.12.168 Credit for reinsurance -- Foreign ceding insurer

§ 48.12.168. Credit for reinsurance -- Foreign ceding insurer

(1) Unless credit for reinsurance or deduction from liability is prohibited under RCW 48.12.164, a foreign ceding insurer is allowed credit for reinsurance or deduction from liability to the extent credit has been allowed by the ceding insurer's state of domicile if:

(a) The state of domicile is accredited by the national association of insurance commissioners; or

(b) Credit or deduction from liability would be allowed under chapter 379, Laws of 1997 if the foreign ceding insurer were domiciled in this state.

(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, credit for reinsurance or deduction from liability may be disallowed upon a finding by the commissioner that either the condition of the reinsurer, or the collateral or other security provided by the reinsurer, does not satisfy the credit for reinsurance requirements applicable to ceding insurers domiciled in this state.

[1997 c 379 § 8.]

     Purpose -- Intent -- 1997 c 379: See note following RCW 48.12.156.

Sections:  Previous  48.12.100  48.12.110  48.12.140  48.12.154  48.12.156  48.12.158  48.12.160  48.12.162  48.12.164  48.12.166  48.12.168  48.12.170  48.12.180  48.12.190  48.12.200  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009