Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 78 Mines, Minerals, And Petroleum - Section 78.08.080 Amended certificate of location

§ 78.08.080. Amended certificate of location

If at any time the locator of any quartz or lode mining claim heretofore or hereafter located, or his assigns, shall learn that his original certificate was defective or that the requirements of the law had not been complied with before filing, or shall be desirous of changing his surface boundaries or of taking in any additional ground which is subject to location, or in any case the original certificate was made prior to the *passage of this law, and he shall be desirous of securing the benefits of RCW 78.08.050 through 78.08.115, such locator or his assigns may file an amended certificate of location, subject to the provisions of RCW 78.08.050 through 78.08.115, regarding the making of new locations.

[1983 c 3 § 198; 1899 c 45 § 5; RRS § 8626.]

     *Reviser's note: "passage of this law": 1899 c 45 (H.B. 272) passed the house, February 27, 1899; passed the senate, March 7, 1899, and was approved by the governor March 8, 1899.

Sections:  Previous  78.08.020  78.08.030  78.08.040  78.08.050  78.08.060  78.08.070  78.08.072  78.08.075  78.08.080  78.08.081  78.08.082  78.08.090  78.08.100  78.08.110  78.08.115  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009