Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 78 Mines, Minerals, And Petroleum - Section 78.08.110 Affidavit as proof

§ 78.08.110. Affidavit as proof

The affidavit provided for in the last section, and the aforesaid placer notice or certificate of location when filed for record, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein recited. A copy of such certificate, notice or affidavit certified by the county auditor shall be admitted in evidence in all actions or proceeding with the same effect as the original and the provisions of RCW 78.08.081 and 78.08.082 shall apply to placer claims as well as lode claims.

[1899 c 45 § 11; RRS § 8632.]

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Last modified: April 7, 2009