Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 88 Navigation And Harbor Improvements - Section 88.02.040 Issuance of registrations -- Agents -- Deposit of fees in general fund -- Allocation for boating safety and education, law enforcement, and derelict vessel removal and disposal

§ 88.02.040. Issuance of registrations -- Agents -- Deposit of fees in general fund -- Allocation for boating safety and education, law enforcement, and derelict vessel removal and disposal

The department shall provide for the issuance of vessel registrations and may appoint agents for collecting fees and issuing registration numbers and decals. General fees for vessel registrations collected by the director shall be deposited in the general fund: PROVIDED, That any amount above one million one hundred thousand dollars per fiscal year shall be allocated to counties by the state treasurer for boating safety/education and law enforcement programs and the fee collected specifically for the removal and disposal of derelict vessels must be deposited in the derelict vessel removal account created in RCW 79.100.100. Eligibility for boating safety/education and law enforcement program allocations shall be contingent upon approval of the local boating safety program by the state parks and recreation commission. Fund allocation shall be based on the numbers of registered vessels by county of moorage. Each benefitting county shall be responsible for equitable distribution of such allocation to other jurisdictions with approved boating safety programs within said county. Any fees not allocated to counties due to the absence of an approved boating safety program, shall be allocated to the commission for awards to local governments to offset law enforcement and boating safety impacts of boaters recreating in jurisdictions other than where registered.

[2002 c 286 § 14; 1989 c 393 § 12; 1983 c 7 § 17.]

     Severability -- Effective date -- 2002 c 286: See RCW 79.100.900 and 79.100.901.

Commission to adopt rules: RCW 79A.60.595. Sections:  Previous  88.02.010  88.02.020  88.02.023  88.02.025  88.02.028  88.02.030  88.02.035  88.02.040  88.02.045  88.02.050  88.02.052  88.02.053  88.02.055  88.02.060  88.02.070  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009