Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 88 Navigation And Harbor Improvements - Section 88.02.053 Maritime historic restoration and preservation account

§ 88.02.053. Maritime historic restoration and preservation account

(1) The maritime historic restoration and preservation account is created in the custody of the state treasurer. All receipts from the voluntary donations made simultaneously with the registration of vessels under chapter 88.02 RCW shall be deposited into this account. These deposits are not public funds and are not subject to allotment procedures under chapter 43.88 RCW.

(2) At the end of each fiscal year, the state treasurer shall pay from this account to the department of licensing an amount equal to the reasonable administrative expenses of that agency for that fiscal year for collecting the voluntary donations and transmitting them to the state treasurer and shall pay to the state treasurer an amount equal to the reasonable administrative expenses of that agency for that fiscal year for maintaining the account and disbursing funds from the account.

(3) At the end of each fiscal year, the state treasurer shall pay one-half of the balance of the funds in the account after payment of the administrative costs provided in subsection (2) of this section, to the Grays Harbor historical seaport or its corporate successor and the remainder to the Steamer Virginia V foundation or its corporate successor.

(4) If either the Grays Harbor historical seaport and its corporate successors or the Steamer Virginia V foundation and its corporate successors legally ceases to exist, the state treasurer shall, at the end of each fiscal year, pay the balance of the funds in the account to the remaining organization.

(5) If both the Grays Harbor historical seaport and its corporate successors and the Steamer Virginia V foundation and its corporate successors legally cease to exist, the department of licensing shall discontinue the collection of the voluntary donations in conjunction with the registration of vessels under RCW 88.02.052, and the balance of the funds in the account escheat to the state. If funds in the account escheat to the state, one-half of the fund balance shall be provided to the *office of archaeology and historic preservation and the remainder shall be deposited into the parks renewal and stewardship account.

(6) The secretary of state, the directors of the state historical societies, the director of the *office of archaeology and historic preservation within the department of community, trade, and economic development, and two members representing the recreational boating community appointed by the secretary of state, shall review the success of the voluntary donation program for maritime historic restoration and preservation established under RCW 88.02.052 and report their findings to the appropriate legislative committees by January 31, 1998. The findings must include the progress of the program and the potential to expand the voluntary funding to other historic vessels.

[1996 c 3 § 2.]

     Reviser's note: *(1) Powers, duties, and functions of the office of archaeology and historic preservation were transferred to the department of archaeology and historic preservation pursuant to 2005 c 333 § 12.

(2) 1996 c 3 directed that this section be added to chapter 43.08 RCW. This section has been codified in chapter 88.02 RCW, which relates more directly to vessel registration receipts.

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Last modified: April 7, 2009