Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 35A Optional Municipal Code - Chapter 35A.12 Mayor-Council Plan Of Government
- 35A.12.010 Elective city officers -- Size of council
The government of any noncharter code city or charter code city electing to adopt the mayor-council plan of government authorized by this chapter shall be ...
- 35A.12.020 Appointive officers -- Duties -- Compensation
The appointive officers shall be those provided for by charter or ordinance and shall include a city clerk and a chief law enforcement officer. The ...
- 35A.12.030 Eligibility to hold elective office
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- 35A.12.040 Elections -- Terms of elective officers -- Numbering of council positions
Officers shall be elected at biennial municipal elections to be conducted as provided in chapter 35A.29 RCW. The mayor and the councilmembers shall be elected ...
- 35A.12.050 Vacancies
The office of a mayor or councilmember shall become vacant if the person who is elected or appointed to that position fails to qualify as ...
- 35A.12.060 Vacancy for nonattendance
In addition a council position shall become vacant if the councilmember fails to attend three consecutive regular meetings of the council without being excused by ...
- 35A.12.065 Pro tempore appointments
Biennially at the first meeting of a new council, or periodically, the members thereof, by majority vote, may designate one of their number as mayor ...
- 35A.12.070 Compensation of elective officers -- Expenses
The salaries of the mayor and the councilmen shall be fixed by ordinance and may be revised from time to time by ordinance, but any ...
- 35A.12.080 Oath and bond of officers
Any officer before entering upon the performance of his duties may be required to take an oath or affirmation as prescribed by charter or by ...
- 35A.12.090 Appointment and removal of officers -- Terms
The mayor shall have the power of appointment and removal of all appointive officers and employees subject to any applicable law, rule, or regulation relating ...
- 35A.12.100 Duties and authority of the mayor -- Veto -- Tie-breaking vote
The mayor shall be the chief executive and administrative officer of the city, in charge of all departments and employees, with authority to designate assistants ...
- 35A.12.110 Council meetings
The city council and mayor shall meet regularly, at least once a month, at a place and at such times as may be designated by ...
- 35A.12.120 Council -- Quorum -- Rules -- Voting
At all meetings of the council a majority of the councilmen shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but a less number may ...
- 35A.12.130 Ordinances -- Style -- Requisites -- Veto
The enacting clause of all ordinances shall be as follows: "The city council of the city of . . . . . . do ordain ...
- 35A.12.140 Adoption of codes by reference
Ordinances may by reference adopt Washington state statutes and state, county, or city codes, regulations, or ordinances or any standard code of technical regulations, or ...
- 35A.12.150 Ordinances -- Authentication and recording
The city clerk shall authenticate by his signature and record in full in a properly indexed book kept for the purpose all ordinances and resolutions ...
- 35A.12.160 Publication of ordinances or summary -- Public notice of hearings and meeting agendas
Promptly after adoption, the text of each ordinance or a summary of the content of each ordinance shall be published at least once in the ...
- 35A.12.170 Audit and allowance of demands against city
All demands against a code city shall be presented and audited in accordance with such regulations as may be prescribed by charter or ordinance; and ...
- 35A.12.180 Optional division of city into wards
At any time not within three months previous to a municipal general election the council of a noncharter code city organized under this chapter may ...
- 35A.12.190 Powers of council
The council of any code city organized under the mayor-council plan of government provided in this chapter shall have the powers and authority granted to ...
Last modified: April 7, 2009