Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 11 Probate And Trust Law - Section 11.106.050 Account filed -- Return day -- Notice

§ 11.106.050. Account filed -- Return day -- Notice

When any account has been filed pursuant to RCW 11.106.030 or 11.106.040, the clerk of the court where filed shall fix a return day therefor as provided in RCW 11.96A.100(4) and issue a notice. The notice shall state the time and place for the return date, the name or names of the trustee or trustees who have filed the account, that the account has been filed, that the court is asked to settle the account, and that any objections or exceptions to the account must be filed with the clerk of the court on or before the return date. The notice shall be given as provided for notices under RCW 11.96A.110.

[1999 c 42 § 628; 1985 c 30 § 99. Prior: 1984 c 149 § 132; 1955 c 33 § 30.30.050; prior: 1951 c 226 § 5. Formerly RCW 30.30.050.]

     Part headings and captions not law -- Effective date -- 1999 c 42: See RCW 11.96A.901 and 11.96A.902.

     Short title -- Application -- Purpose -- Severability -- 1985 c 30: See RCW 11.02.900 through 11.02.903.

     Severability -- Effective dates -- 1984 c 149: See notes following RCW 11.02.005.

Sections:  Previous  11.106.010  11.106.020  11.106.030  11.106.040  11.106.050  11.106.060  11.106.070  11.106.080  11.106.090  11.106.100  11.106.110  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009