Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 11 Probate And Trust Law - Section 11.106.060 Account filed -- Objections -- Appointment of guardians ad litem -- Representatives

§ 11.106.060. Account filed -- Objections -- Appointment of guardians ad litem -- Representatives

Upon or before the return date any beneficiary of the trust may file the beneficiary's written objections or exceptions to the account filed or to any action of the trustee or trustees set forth in the account. The court shall appoint guardians ad litem as provided in RCW 11.96A.160 and the court may allow representatives to be appointed under RCW 11.96A.120 or 11.96A.250 to represent the persons listed in those sections.

[1999 c 42 § 629; 1985 c 30 § 100. Prior: 1984 c 149 § 133; 1977 ex.s. c 80 § 31; 1955 c 33 § 30.30.060; prior: 1951 c 226 § 6. Formerly RCW 30.30.060.]

     Part headings and captions not law -- Effective date -- 1999 c 42: See RCW 11.96A.901 and 11.96A.902.

     Short title -- Application -- Purpose -- Severability -- 1985 c 30: See RCW 11.02.900 through 11.02.903.

     Severability -- Effective dates -- 1984 c 149: See notes following RCW 11.02.005.

     Purpose -- Intent -- Severability -- 1977 ex.s. c 80: See notes following RCW 4.16.190.

Sections:  Previous  11.106.010  11.106.020  11.106.030  11.106.040  11.106.050  11.106.060  11.106.070  11.106.080  11.106.090  11.106.100  11.106.110  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009