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§ 41.40.005. Provisions applicable to "plan 1," "plan 2," and "plan 3.

RCW 41.40.010 through *41.40.112 shall apply to members of plan 1, plan 2, and plan 3.

[2000 c 247 § 101; 1992 c 72 § 8; 1991 c 35 § 69; 1989 c 273 § 20; 1989 c 272 § 7; 1979 ex.s. c 249 § 6; 1977 ex.s. c 295 § 21.]

     *Reviser's note: RCW 41.40.112 was decodified August 1993.

     Intent -- 1991 c 35: See note following RCW 41.26.005.

     Severability -- 1989 c 273: See RCW 41.45.900.

     Purpose -- 1989 c 272: See note following RCW 41.32.005.

Sections:  41.40.005  41.40.010  41.40.020  41.40.023  41.40.028  41.40.034  41.40.035  41.40.037  41.40.038  41.40.042  41.40.048  41.40.052  41.40.054  41.40.055  41.40.056  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009