Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 41 Public Employment, Civil Service, And Pensions - Section 41.40.037 Service by retirees--Reduction of retirement allowance upon reemployment -- Reestablishment of membership

§ 41.40.037. Service by retirees--Reduction of retirement allowance upon reemployment -- Reestablishment of membership

(1)(a) If a retiree enters employment with an employer sooner than one calendar month after his or her accrual date, the retiree's monthly retirement allowance will be reduced by five and one-half percent for every eight hours worked during that month. This reduction will be applied each month until the retiree remains absent from employment with an employer for one full calendar month.

(b) The benefit reduction provided in (a) of this subsection will accrue for a maximum of one hundred sixty hours per month. Any benefit reduction over one hundred percent will be applied to the benefit the retiree is eligible to receive in subsequent months.

(2)(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, a retiree from plan 1 who enters employment with an employer at least one calendar month after his or her accrual date may continue to receive pension payments while engaged in such service for up to eight hundred sixty-seven hours of service in a calendar year without a reduction of pension.

(b) A retiree from plan 1 who enters employment with an employer at least three calendar months after his or her accrual date and:

(i) Is hired pursuant to a written policy into a position for which the employer has documented a justifiable need to hire a retiree into the position;

(ii) Is hired through the established process for the position with the approval of: A school board for a school district; the chief executive officer of a state agency employer; the secretary of the senate for the senate; the chief clerk of the house of representatives for the house of representatives; the secretary of the senate and the chief clerk of the house of representatives jointly for the joint legislative audit and review committee, the select committee on pension policy, the legislative evaluation and accountability program, the legislative systems committee, and the statute law committee; or according to rules adopted for the rehiring of retired plan 1 members for a local government employer;

(iii) The employer retains records of the procedures followed and decisions made in hiring the retiree, and provides those records in the event of an audit; and

(iv) The employee has not already rendered a cumulative total of more than one thousand nine hundred hours of service while in receipt of pension payments beyond an annual threshold of eight hundred sixty-seven hours;

shall cease to receive pension payments while engaged in that service after the retiree has rendered service for more than one thousand five hundred hours in a calendar year. The one thousand nine hundred hour cumulative total under this subsection applies prospectively to those retiring after July 27, 2003, and retroactively to those who retired prior to July 27, 2003, and shall be calculated from the date of retirement.

(c) When a plan 1 member renders service beyond eight hundred sixty-seven hours, the department shall collect from the employer the applicable employer retirement contributions for the entire duration of the member's employment during that calendar year.

(d) A retiree from plan 2 or plan 3 who has satisfied the break in employment requirement of subsection (1) of this section may work up to eight hundred sixty-seven hours in a calendar year in an eligible position, as defined in RCW 41.32.010, 41.35.010, 41.37.010, or 41.40.010, or as a firefighter or law enforcement officer, as defined in RCW 41.26.030, without suspension of his or her benefit.

(3) If the retiree opts to reestablish membership under RCW 41.40.023(12), he or she terminates his or her retirement status and becomes a member. Retirement benefits shall not accrue during the period of membership and the individual shall make contributions and receive membership credit. Such a member shall have the right to again retire if eligible in accordance with RCW 41.40.180. However, if the right to retire is exercised to become effective before the member has rendered two uninterrupted years of service, the retirement formula and survivor options the member had at the time of the member's previous retirement shall be reinstated.

(4) The department shall collect and provide the state actuary with information relevant to the use of this section for the select committee on pension policy.

(5) The legislature reserves the right to amend or repeal this section in the future and no member or beneficiary has a contractual right to be employed for more than five months in a calendar year without a reduction of his or her pension.

[2007 c 50 § 5; 2005 c 319 § 103; 2004 c 242 § 63. Prior: 2003 c 412 § 5; 2003 c 295 § 7; 2001 2nd sp.s. c 10 § 4; (2001 2nd sp.s. c 10 § 12 repealed by 2002 c 26 § 9); 1997 c 254 § 14.]

     Findings -- Intent -- Part headings -- Effective dates -- 2005 c 319: See notes following RCW 43.17.020.

     Effective date -- 2004 c 242: See RCW 41.37.901.

     Effective dates -- 2001 2nd sp.s. c 10: "Except for section 12 of this act which takes effect December 31, 2004, this act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect July 1, 2001." [2001 2nd sp.s. c 10 § 14.]

     Intent -- Construction -- Application -- 1997 c 254: See notes following RCW 41.26.490.

Sections:  Previous  41.40.005  41.40.010  41.40.020  41.40.023  41.40.028  41.40.034  41.40.035  41.40.037  41.40.038  41.40.042  41.40.048  41.40.052  41.40.054  41.40.055  41.40.056  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009