Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 70 Public Health And Safety - Section 70.95N.270 Reports

§ 70.95N.270. Reports

(1) By December 31, 2012, the department shall provide a report to the appropriate committees of the legislature that includes the following information:

(a) For each of the preceding program years, the weight of covered electronic products recycled in the state by plan, by county, and in total;

(b) The performance of each plan in meeting its equivalent share, and payments received from and disbursed to each plan from the electronic products recycling account;

(c) A description of the various collection programs used to collect covered electronic products in the state;

(d) An evaluation of how the pounds per capita recycled of covered electronic products in the state compares to programs in other states;

(e) Comments received from local governments and local communities regarding satisfaction with the program, including accessibility and convenience of services provided by the plans;

(f) Recommendations on how to improve the statewide collection, transportation, and recycling system for convenient, safe, and environmentally sound recycling of electronic products; and

(g) An analysis of whether and in what amounts unwanted electronic products and electronic components and electronic scrap exported from Washington have been exported to countries that are not members of the organization for economic cooperation and development or the European union, and recommendations for addressing such exports.

(2) By April 1, 2010, the department shall provide a report to the appropriate committees of the legislature regarding the amount of orphan products collected as a percent of the total amount of covered electronic products collected. If the orphan products collected exceed ten percent of the total amount of covered electronic products collected, the department shall report to the appropriate committees of the legislature within ninety days describing the orphan products collected and include recommendations for decreasing the amount of orphan products or alternative methods for financing the collection, transportation, and recycling of orphan products.

[2006 c 183 § 28.]

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Last modified: April 7, 2009