Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 70 Public Health And Safety - Section 70.95N.230 Rules -- Fees -- Reports

§ 70.95N.230. Rules -- Fees -- Reports

(1) The department shall adopt rules to determine the process for manufacturers to change plans under RCW 70.95N.080.

(2) The department shall establish annual registration and plan review fees for administering this chapter. An initial fee schedule must be established by rule and be adjusted no more often than once every two years. All fees charged must be based on factors relating to administering this chapter and be based on a sliding scale that is representative of annual sales of covered electronic products in the state. Fees must be established in amounts to fully recover and not to exceed expenses incurred by the department to implement this chapter.

(3) The department shall establish an annual process for local governments and local communities to report their satisfaction with the services provided by plans under this chapter. This information must be used by the department in reviewing plan updates and revisions.

(4) The department may adopt rules as necessary for the purpose of implementing, administering, and enforcing this chapter.

[2006 c 183 § 23.]

Sections:  Previous  70.95N.160  70.95N.170  70.95N.180  70.95N.190  70.95N.200  70.95N.210  70.95N.220  70.95N.230  70.95N.240  70.95N.250  70.95N.260  70.95N.270  70.95N.280  70.95N.290  70.95N.300  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009