Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 70 Public Health And Safety - Section 70.95N.190 Return share calculation

§ 70.95N.190. Return share calculation

(1) The department shall determine the return share for each manufacturer in the standard plan or an independent plan by dividing the weight of covered electronic products identified for each manufacturer by the total weight of covered electronic products identified for all manufacturers in the standard plan or an independent plan, then multiplying the quotient by one hundred.

(2) For the first program year, the department shall determine the return share for such manufacturers using all reasonable means and based on best available information regarding return share data from other states and other pertinent data.

(3) For the second and each subsequent program year, the department shall determine the return share for such manufacturers using all reasonable means and based on the most recent sampling of covered electronic products conducted in the state under RCW 70.95N.110.

[2006 c 183 § 19.]

Sections:  Previous  70.95N.120  70.95N.130  70.95N.140  70.95N.150  70.95N.160  70.95N.170  70.95N.180  70.95N.190  70.95N.200  70.95N.210  70.95N.220  70.95N.230  70.95N.240  70.95N.250  70.95N.260  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009