Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 70 Public Health And Safety - Section 70.95N.160 Electronic products for sale must include manufacturer's brand

§ 70.95N.160. Electronic products for sale must include manufacturer's brand

(1) Beginning January 1, 2007, no person may sell or offer for sale an electronic product to any person in the state unless the electronic product is labeled with the manufacturer's brand. The label must be permanently affixed and readily visible.

(2) In-state retailers in possession of unlabeled products on January 1, 2007, may exhaust their stock through sales to the public.

[2006 c 183 § 16.]

Sections:  Previous  70.95N.090  70.95N.100  70.95N.110  70.95N.120  70.95N.130  70.95N.140  70.95N.150  70.95N.160  70.95N.170  70.95N.180  70.95N.190  70.95N.200  70.95N.210  70.95N.220  70.95N.230  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009