Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 70 Public Health And Safety - Section 70.95N.110 Covered electronic sampling

§ 70.95N.110. Covered electronic sampling

(1) An independent plan and the standard plan must implement and finance an auditable, statistically significant sampling of covered electronic products entering its program every program year. The information collected must include a list of the brand names of covered electronic products by product type, the number of covered electronic products by product type, the weight of covered electronic products that are identified for each brand name or that lack a manufacturer's brand, the total weight of the sample by product type, and any additional information needed to assign return share.

(2) The sampling must be conducted in the presence of the department or a third-party organization approved by the department. The department may, at its discretion, audit the methodology and the results.

(3) After the fifth program year, the department may reassess the sampling required in this section. The department may adjust the frequency at which manufacturers must implement the sampling or may adjust the frequency at which manufacturers must provide certain information from the sampling. Prior to making any changes, the department shall notify the public, including all registered manufacturers, and provide a comment period. The department shall notify all registered manufacturers of any such changes.

[2006 c 183 § 11.]

Sections:  Previous  70.95N.040  70.95N.050  70.95N.060  70.95N.070  70.95N.080  70.95N.090  70.95N.100  70.95N.110  70.95N.120  70.95N.130  70.95N.140  70.95N.150  70.95N.160  70.95N.170  70.95N.180  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009