Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 70 Public Health And Safety - Section 70.95N.170 Sale of covered electronic products

§ 70.95N.170. Sale of covered electronic products

No person may sell or offer for sale a covered electronic product to any person in this state unless the manufacturer of the covered electronic product has filed a registration with the department under RCW 70.95N.040 and is participating in an approved plan under RCW 70.95N.050. A person that sells or offers for sale a covered electronic product in the state shall consult the department's web site for lists of manufacturers with registrations and approved plans prior to selling a covered electronic product in the state. A person is considered to have complied with this section if on the date the product was ordered from the manufacturer or its agent, the manufacturer was listed as having registered and having an approved plan on the department's web site.

[2006 c 183 § 17.]

Sections:  Previous  70.95N.100  70.95N.110  70.95N.120  70.95N.130  70.95N.140  70.95N.150  70.95N.160  70.95N.170  70.95N.180  70.95N.190  70.95N.200  70.95N.210  70.95N.220  70.95N.230  70.95N.240  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009