Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 70 Public Health And Safety - Section 70.95N.060 Standard, independent plan requirements -- Fees to be set by the department -- Acceptance or rejection by department

§ 70.95N.060. Standard, independent plan requirements -- Fees to be set by the department -- Acceptance or rejection by department

(1) All initial independent plans and the initial standard plan required under RCW 70.95N.050 must be submitted to the department by February 1, 2008. The department shall review each independent plan and the standard plan.

(2) The authority submitting the standard plan and each authorized party submitting an independent plan to the department must pay a fee to the department to cover the costs of administering and implementing this chapter. The department shall set the fees as described under RCW 70.95N.230.

(3) The fees in subsection (2) of this section apply to the initial plan submission and plan updates and revisions required in RCW 70.95N.070.

(4) Within ninety days after receipt of a plan, the department shall determine whether the plan complies with this chapter. If the plan is approved, the department shall send a letter of approval. If a plan is rejected, the department shall provide the reasons for rejecting the plan to the authority or authorized party. The authority or authorized party must submit a new plan within sixty days after receipt of the letter of disapproval.

(5) An independent plan and the standard plan must contain the following elements:

(a) Contact information for the authority or authorized party and a comprehensive list of all manufacturers participating in the plan and their contact information;

(b) A description of the collection, transportation, and recycling systems and service providers used, including a description of how the authority or authorized party will:

(i) Seek to use businesses within the state, including retailers, charities, processors, and collection and transportation services;

(ii) Fairly compensate collectors for providing collection services; and

(iii) Fairly compensate processors for providing processing services;

(c) The method or methods for the reasonably convenient collection of all product types of covered electronic products in rural and urban areas throughout the state, including how the plan will provide for collection services in each county of the state and for a minimum of one collection site or alternate collection service for each city or town with a population greater than ten thousand. A collection site for a county may be the same as a collection site for a city or town in the county;

(d) A description of how the plan will provide service to small businesses, small governments, charities, and school districts in Washington;

(e) The processes and methods used to recycle covered electronic products including a description of the processing that will be used and the facility location;

(f) Documentation of audits of each processor used in the plan and compliance with processing standards established under RCW 70.95N.250 and *section 26 of this act;

(g) A description of the accounting and reporting systems that will be employed to track progress toward the plan's equivalent share;

(h) A timeline describing start-up, implementation, and progress towards milestones with anticipated results;

(i) A public information campaign to inform consumers about how to recycle their covered electronic products at the end of the product's life; and

(j) A description of how manufacturers participating in the plan will communicate and work with processors utilized by that plan to promote and encourage design of electronic products and their components for recycling.

(6) The standard plan shall address how it will incorporate and fairly compensate registered collectors providing curbside or premium services such that they are not compensated at a lower rate for collection costs than the compensation offered other collectors providing drop-off collection sites in that geographic area.

(7) All transporters, collectors, and processors used to fulfill the requirements of this section must be registered as described in RCW 70.95N.240.

[2006 c 183 § 6.]

     *Reviser's note: Section 26 of this act was vetoed by the governor.

Sections:  Previous  70.95N.010  70.95N.020  70.95N.030  70.95N.040  70.95N.050  70.95N.060  70.95N.070  70.95N.080  70.95N.090  70.95N.100  70.95N.110  70.95N.120  70.95N.130  70.95N.140  70.95N.150  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009