Revised Code of Washington - RCW Title 70 Public Health And Safety - Section 70.95N.070 Plan updates -- Revised plan

§ 70.95N.070. Plan updates -- Revised plan

(1) An independent plan and the standard plan must be updated at least every five years and as required in (a) and (b) of this subsection.

(a) If the program fails to provide service in each county in the state or meet other plan requirements, the authority or authorized party shall submit to the department within sixty days of failing to provide service an updated plan addressing how the program will be adjusted to meet the program geographic coverage and collection service requirements established in RCW 70.95N.090.

(b) The authority or authorized party shall notify the department of any modification to the plan. If the department determines that the authority or authorized party has significantly modified the program described in the plan, the authority or authorized party shall submit a revised plan describing the changes to the department within sixty days of notification by the department.

(2) Within sixty days after receipt of a revised plan, the department shall determine whether the revised plan complies with this chapter. If the revised plan is approved, the department shall send a letter of approval. If the revised plan is rejected, the department shall provide the reasons for rejecting the plan to the authority or authorized party. The authority or authorized party must submit a new plan revision within sixty days after receipt of the letter of disapproval.

(3) The authority or authorized parties may buy and sell collected covered electronic products with other programs without submitting a plan revision for review.

[2006 c 183 § 7.]

Sections:  Previous  70.95N.010  70.95N.020  70.95N.030  70.95N.040  70.95N.050  70.95N.060  70.95N.070  70.95N.080  70.95N.090  70.95N.100  70.95N.110  70.95N.120  70.95N.130  70.95N.140  70.95N.150  Next

Last modified: April 7, 2009