§ 79A.05.510. Composition of youth corps -- Qualifications, conditions, period of enrollment, etc
Composition of the corps shall consist of youths who are citizens of the United States and residents of the state of Washington of good character and health, and who are not more than twenty-one years of age. In order to enroll, an individual must agree to comply with rules and regulations promulgated by the commission. The period of enrollment shall be for thirty, sixty or ninety days or for such shorter period as determined by the commission. If permitted by the commission an individual may reenroll. Enrollment shall basically be allocated on a percentage basis to each of the forty-nine legislative districts on the basis of the ratio that the population of each district bears to the total population of the state of Washington, but the commission may also take into account problems of substantial unemployment in certain areas.
[1975 c 7 § 1; 1969 ex.s. c 96 § 3; 1965 c 8 § 43.51.530. Prior: 1961 c 215 § 3. Formerly RCW 43.51.530.]
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