§ 79A.05.540. Agreements with and acceptance of grants from federal government authorized -- Length of enrollment and compensation in accordance with federal standards authorized
Notwithstanding the provisions of RCW 79A.05.510 and 79A.05.515, the commission may determine the length of enrollment and the compensation of enrollees in accordance with the standards of any federal act or regulation under which an agreement is made with, or a grant is received from the federal government pursuant to RCW 79A.05.535.
[2000 c 11 § 45; 1965 ex.s. c 48 § 2. Formerly RCW 43.51.590.]
Sections: Previous 79A.05.505 79A.05.510 79A.05.515 79A.05.520 79A.05.525 79A.05.530 79A.05.535 79A.05.540 79A.05.545 79A.05.600 79A.05.605 79A.05.610 79A.05.615 79A.05.620 79A.05.625 NextLast modified: April 7, 2009