Hawaii Revised Statutes 302a. Education

A. Miscellaneous

  • 302a-101 Definitions.
    Sections 302A-101 and 302A-102 designated as subpart A by revisor pursuant to §23G-15. §302A-101 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms have...
  • 302a-102 Smoking Prohibited.
    Sections 302A-101 and 302A-102 designated as subpart A by revisor pursuant to §23G-15. §302A-102 Smoking prohibited. All public schools within the State, from kindergarten...

B. Board of Education

A. Student Performance Standards

B. Curriculum and Instruction

C. Supplementary Programs

D. Gender Equity in Sports

E. School-to-Work--REPEALED

F. Full Participation in School Act

  • 302a-481 Definitions.
    As used in this subpart, unless the context otherwise requires: "Caregiver" means any person who is at least eighteen years of age and: (1)...
  • 302a-482 Affidavit for Caregiver Consent.
    (a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, a caregiver may consent on behalf of a minor to enrollment in school and to full...
  • 302a-483 Penalties.
    Any caregiver who makes a false statement in the affidavit for caregiver consent required under section 302A-482, shall be subject to the penalties under...
  • 302a-484 Transfer by the Department of Education.
    The department of education may transfer a minor to the minor's home school if the minor has been enrolled in a school based on an...

G. Adult Special Education Transfer of Rights
for Students with Disabilities Upon Reaching
the Age of Majority


  • 302a-501 Definitions.
    Bargained for random drug testing program for public school teachers with appropriate procedural protections is constitutional and would not violate either the federal or...

B. Employment Conditions and Compensation

C. Staff Development and Incentives

D. Hawaii Teacher Standards Board

E. Teachers' Housing

F. School Health Services Program

  • 302a-851 Purpose; Establishment of Program.
    Sections 302A-851 to 855, enacted as a new part, are redesignated as a subpart pursuant to §23G-15. Cross References Career development opportunities, see §302A-708....
  • 302a-852 Teenage Health Program.
    Sections 302A-851 to 855, enacted as a new part, are redesignated as a subpart pursuant to §23G-15. Cross References Career development opportunities, see §302A-708....
  • 302a-853 Administration of Medication.
    Sections 302A-851 to 855, enacted as a new part, are redesignated as a subpart pursuant to §23G-15. Cross References Career development opportunities, see §302A-708....
  • 302a-854 School Health Aides; Compensation.
    Sections 302A-851 to 855, enacted as a new part, are redesignated as a subpart pursuant to §23G-15. Cross References Career development opportunities, see §302A-708....
  • 302a-855 Repealed.
    Sections 302A-851 to 855, enacted as a new part, are redesignated as a subpart pursuant to §23G-15. Cross References Career development opportunities, see §302A-708....

A. Specific Definitions

  • 302a-901 Specific Definitions.
    For the purposes of sections 302A-1154 to 302A-1163, "school" means any day care center, child care facility, headstart program, preschool, kindergarten, elementary, or secondary...

B. Accountability

  • 302a-1001 Student Bias.
    No person in the State, on the basis of sex, shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected...
  • 302a-1002 Reporting of Crime-Related Incidents.
    The board shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 91 to: (1) Require a report to appropriate authorities from a teacher, official, or other employee...
  • 302a-1003 Indemnity Upon Reporting.
    The State shall indemnify and hold harmless anyone participating in good faith in making a report pursuant to section 302A-1002 from any civil liability...
  • 302a-1004 Educational Accountability System; Annual Reports.
    (a) The department shall implement a comprehensive system of educational accountability to motivate and support the improved performance of students and the education system....
  • 302a-1005 Reconstituting Schools.
    (a) Notwithstanding collective bargaining agreements, memorandums of agreement, or memorandums of understanding, the superintendent may reconstitute a public school, except a charter school, that...

C. Organization

D. New Century Charter Schools--Repealed

A. Specific Definitions--Repealed

B. Budget

C. Federal Funding

A. Facilities and Equipment

B. School Impact Fees

Part VII. secondary school students conference

  • 302a-1801 Purpose.
    The purpose of this part is to provide for the establishment of an annual conference of secondary school students, which will enable students in...
  • 302a-1802 Student Conference Committee.
    There is created a student conference committee composed of sixteen secondary school students. There shall be two students from each of the seven local...
  • 302a-1803 Duties of the Student Conference Committee.
    It shall be the duty of the student conference committee, under the guidance of the student conference advisory committee, to: (1) Plan and coordinate...
  • 302a-1804 Student Conference Advisory Committee.
    There is created a student conference advisory committee to assist and advise the student conference committee in planning, coordinating, and evaluating the annual conference...
  • 302a-1805 Annual Conference.
    The annual conference of secondary school students shall be held once each school year, subject to program and funding limitations. [L 2013, c 156,...

Law Journals and Reviews

Regression by Progression: Unleveling the Classroom Playing Field Through Cosmetic Neurology. 33 UH L. Rev. 193 (2010).

Last modified: October 27, 2016