Code of Alabama - Title 43: Wills and Decedents' Estates - Section 43-2-172 - Commitment of administration to sheriff

Section 43-2-172 - Commitment of administration to sheriff.

In case there is no general administrator and no other fit person will administer, the court may commit administration to the sheriff of the county; when so committed, the administration attaches to the office, and the official oath and bond of such office are the security for his faithful administration.

(Code 1852, §§1681, 1690; Code 1867, §§2001, 2010; Code 1876, §§2363, 2372; Code 1886, §2029; Code 1896, §72; Code 1907, §2538; Code 1923, §5760; Code 1940, T. 61, §137.)

Last modified: May 3, 2021