Alaska Statutes Title 37, Chapter 37.15, Article 04 - International Airports Revenue Bonds
- Sec. 37.15.410 Bond Authorization.
For the purpose of providing part or all of the money to be used, with or without any grants or other money that may...
- Sec. 37.15.415 Continuing Revenue Bond Debt Service Appropriation.
The amounts required annually to pay the principal, interest, and redemption premium on all issued and outstanding international airports revenue bonds of the state...
- Sec. 37.15.420 International Airports Construction Fund.
(a) There is established the "International Airports Construction Fund," into which shall be paid the proceeds of the sale of the bonds (except any...
- Sec. 37.15.430 International Airports Revenue Fund.
(a) There is established an enterprise fund known as the "International Airports Revenue Fund," into which shall be paid all revenue, fees, charges, and...
- Sec. 37.15.440 International Airports Revenue Bond Redemption Fund.
There is another special fund of the state, known as the "International Airports Revenue Bond Redemption Fund," which is a trust fund for paying...
- Sec. 37.15.450 Bond Terms.
(a) The bonds may be sold at public or private sale in the manner, in the amounts or series, and at the time or...
- Sec. 37.15.460 Bond Resolution.
The committee shall adopt the bond resolution and prepare all other documents and proceedings necessary for the issuance, sale, and delivery of the bonds...
- Sec. 37.15.470 Enforcement by Holder.
The holder of any bonds or the trustee for the holders of the bonds or any series of them may, by appropriate proceedings in...
- Sec. 37.15.480 Amounts Required for Payments.
The committee shall, before December 31 of each year, commencing with the year in which the bonds are issued, certify to the commissioners of...
- Sec. 37.15.490 Bond Negotiability.
The bonds and the coupons attached to them are fully negotiable instruments under the laws of the state.
- Sec. 37.15.500 Airport Charges.
As provided in AS 02.15.090 (a), the commissioner of transportation and public facilities shall fix and collect the fees, charges, and rentals derived by...
- Sec. 37.15.510 State Improvements to Airports.
The state is authorized to acquire, equip, construct, and install additions and improvements to and extensions of the airports, facilities for the landing, parking,...
- Sec. 37.15.520 Refunding.
(a) The bonds or any part of them may be refunded at or before their maturity by the issuance of refunding revenue bonds of...
- Sec. 37.15.530 Bonds As Legal Investments.
The bonds are legal investments for all banks, trust companies, savings banks, savings and loan associations, and other persons carrying on a banking business,...
- Sec. 37.15.540 Statutory Construction.
AS 37.15.410 - 37.15.550 shall be liberally construed in order to carry out the purposes for which they were enacted, and all existing laws...
- Sec. 37.15.550 Definitions.
In AS 37.15.410 - 37.15.550, unless the context otherwise requires,(1) "airports" means the international airports owned and operated by the state and located at...
Last modified: November 15, 2016