Arkansas Code Title 11, Chapter 7, Subchapter 4 - Employee Certification
- § 11-7-401 - Coal Mine Examining Board -- Members, Organization, and Proceedings.
(a) (1) There shall be appointed by the Governor a board of four (4) examiners appointed for a term of four (4) years: (A)...
- § 11-7-402 - Coal Mine Examining Board -- Power to Administer Oaths.
(a) In order to more effectively carry out the intentions and purposes of this section and §§ 11-7-409 -- 11-7-414, members of the Coal...
- § 11-7-403 - Fire Bosses, Mine Foremen, Etc. -- Examination -- Qualifications.
(a) No fire bosses, hoisting engineers, or mine foremen shall be employed in any mine in the State of Arkansas unless they have been...
- § 11-7-404 - Fire Bosses, Mine Foremen, Etc. -- Certificate -- Grades.
(a) (1) The Director of the Department of Labor shall grant certificates after examination by the Department of Labor or a determination by the...
- § 11-7-405 - Fire Bosses, Mine Foremen, Etc. -- Duplicate Certificate.
In case of loss or destruction of a certificate, the secretary of the examining board, upon satisfactory proof of the loss or destruction, may...
- § 11-7-406 - Fire Bosses, Mine Foremen, Etc. -- Revocation of Certificate.
(a) All certificates issued pursuant to this subchapter may be revoked by the board of examiners after a hearing upon due notice to the...
- § 11-7-407 - Fire Bosses, Mine Foremen, Etc. -- Misrepresentation of Certificate.
Any person who shall forge, alter, or counterfeit a certificate, shall secure or attempt to secure employment by use of the forged, altered, or...
- § 11-7-408 - Penalty for Violation of § 11-7-401 and §§ 11-7-403 -- 11-7-407.
(a) Any owner, operator, lessee, or agent of any coal mine in the State of Arkansas violating any of the provisions of § 11-7-401...
- § 11-7-409 - Coal Miners -- Definition.
(a) The term "coal miner" as used in §§ 11-7-402 and 11-7-410 -- 11-7-414, unless the context otherwise requires, shall be construed to mean...
- § 11-7-410 - Coal Miners -- Certificate Required.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to work as a coal miner in any coal mine in this state without first having...
- § 11-7-411 - Coal Miners -- Examination -- Qualifications -- Certificates.
(a) The Coal Mine Examining Board of this state shall hold sufficient examinations each year in places to be determined by the board, which,...
- § 11-7-412 - Coal Miners -- Temporary Permit -- Grandfather Clause.
(a) A person making application for a coal miner's certificate of competency and qualification shall be granted a temporary permit to work until such...
- § 11-7-413 - Coal Miners -- Apprentices.
(a) Any certified miner may have one (1) person working with him or her and under his or her direction, in addition to any...
- § 11-7-414 - Coal Miners -- Duplicate Certificate -- Revocation of Certificate.
The Coal Mining Examining Board shall possess powers to issue duplicate certificates and to revoke certificates in all cases as provided in §§ 11-7-405...
Last modified: November 15, 2016