Arkansas Code § 20-76-201 - Department of Human Services -- Powers and Duties

The Department of Human Services shall:

(1) Administer assigned forms of public assistance, supervise agencies and institutions caring for dependent or aged adults or adults with mental or physical disabilities, and administer other welfare activities or services that may be vested in it;

(2) Administer or supervise all child welfare activities in accordance with the rules and regulations of the department, including:

(A) The licensing and supervision of private and public child care agencies and institutions;

(B) The care of dependent, neglected, and delinquent children and children with mental or physical disabilities in foster family homes or in institutions; and

(C) The care and supervision of children placed for adoption;

(3) Enter into reciprocal agreements with public welfare agencies in other states relative to the provisions of relief and assistance to transients and nonresidents and cooperate with other state departments and with the federal government in studying labor, health, and public assistance problems involved in transiency;

(4) Administer and make effective the rules and regulations governing personnel administration, including the preparation and administration of classification and compensation plans and the method of selection for positions in the department:

(A) Develop performance standards and bonus awards for all positions in the program focused on achieving the outcomes; and

(B) Remove or transfer employees from the program to other responsibilities within the department if they do not meet performance standards;

(5) Carry on research and compile statistics relative to public welfare programs throughout the state, including all phases of dependency, defectiveness, delinquency, and related problems and develop plans in cooperation with other public and private agencies for the prevention as well as the treatment of conditions giving rise to public welfare problems;

(6) Assist other departments, agencies, and institutions of the state and federal governments, when so requested, by performing services in conformity with the purposes of this chapter;

(7) Cooperate with the federal government in matters of mutual concern pertaining to federally funded programs within the department's purview;

(8) Make reports in the form and containing the information as the federal government from time to time may require and comply with provisions as the federal government from time to time may find necessary to assure the correctness and veracity of the reports;

(9) Allocate funds for the purposes and in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the department and subject to review and recommendation by the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Oversight Board;

(10) Establish standards of eligibility for assistance developed by the department and subject to review and recommendation by the board;

(11) Receive, administer, disburse, dispose, and account for funds, commodities, equipment, supplies, and any kind of property given, granted, loaned, or advanced to the State of Arkansas for public assistance, public welfare, social security, or any other similar purposes;

(12) Make rules and regulations and take actions as are necessary or desirable to carry out the provisions of this chapter and that are not inconsistent therewith;

(13) Solicit participation of private organizations, nonprofit organizations, charitable organizations, and institutions of education in the delivery of services and in the enactment and revision of rules and regulations;

(14) Employ attorneys to represent the interests of the department; and

(15) Develop and implement automated statewide benefit delivery and information systems to achieve the purposes of this chapter.

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Last modified: November 15, 2016