Ex parte ZOUGHI et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 95-3140                                                          
          Application No. 08/058,453                                                  

          examiner's answer of January 23, 1995 (Paper No. 11), the                   
          appellant's brief filed December 15, 1994 (Paper No. 10) and                
          the reply brief filed March 24, 1995 (Paper No. 12).                        
                               APPELLANTS' INVENTION                                  
               Appellants' invention is directed to a method for                      
          analyzing concrete in connection with determining concrete                  
          strength parameters.  With respect to Fig. 1, a first                       
          microwave signal having a first frequency is transmitted from               
          oscillator 24 toward the concrete to be analyzed.  The                      
          concrete being tested has unknown water and cement                          
          proportions.  A microwave receiving section 40 receives a                   
          reflected microwave signal resulting from at least portions of              
          the transmitted microwave signal being reflected by the                     
          concrete.  A first value related to a reflection coefficient                
          for a concrete sample having known water and cement                         
          proportions is provide (page 13, lines 1-20).  A second value               
          related to a reflection coefficient that is based upon the                  
          reflected microwave signal from the concrete being tested is                
          obtained (page 8, lines 6-17).  A difference magnitude is                   
          determined that relates to a difference between the first                   
          value and the second value (Figs. 5 and 7; page 14, line 17 to              

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