Ex parte BOWEN - Page 2

          Appeal No. 96-1349                                                          
          Application 08/002,168                                                      

          The invention pertains to a method of normalizing a data                    
          structure for use when a first process executing in a first                 
          computer makes a remote procedure call on a second process                  
          executing in a second computer.                                             
          Representative claim 1 is reproduced as follows:                            
               1.  A method, executed by a first process in a first                   
          computer system, of normalizing a data structure having a first             
          member definition structure which includes at least one member              
          and at least one padding bit, said data structure being                     
          transmitted to the first process from a second process executing            
          in a second computer system using a remote procedure call,                  
          comprising the steps of:                                                    
               (a) receiving, on said first computer system, the data                 
               (b) performing, by said first process in said first computer           
          system, a logical bitwise AND operation of the data structure               
          with a template structure and producing a normalized data                   
          structure, said template structure having a second member                   
          definition structure equivalent to the first member definition              
          structure and having member bits set to 1 and padding bits set to           
          0; and                                                                      
               (c) replacing the data structure with the normalized data              
          The examiner relies on the following reference:                             
          Davidson et al. (Davidson)      5,307,490         Apr. 26, 1994             
          (filed Aug. 28, 1992)                                                       
          Claims 1-3 and 5-9 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 112,                    
          first paragraph, as being based on an inadequate disclosure.                


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