Ex parte HENRY S. BAIRD - Page 2

          Appeal No. 96-1990                                                           
          Application 07/536,910                                                       

          12-15, 1985, pp. 38-41.                                                      

                               The Rejections on Appeal                                
               Claims 6-34, 36-38 and 40-41 stand finally rejected under 35            
          U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Leung.                               

                                    The Invention                                      
               The invention is directed to a method and apparatus for                 
          generating defective pixel representations of character images               
          and also to a method and apparatus for using the generated                   
          defective pixel representations to infer or train an optical                 
          image classifier.  The classifier should recognize the intended              
          character despite defective pixel representations of the same.               
               A user can select one or more defective class parameters                
          each of which specifies a corresponding class of defective pixel             
          representation.  A set of defective pixel representations is                 
          generated which belongs to the defect class specified by the user            
          selected defect class parameters.                                            
               Representative claims 6 and 20 are reproduced below:                    

                    6.  A method of generating examples of defective pixel             
          representations of symbols comprising the steps of:                          
                         receiving one or more defect class parameters                 
          selected by a user from a plurality thereof, each defect class               
          parameter specifying a class of pixel representation defects;                


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