Ex parte HENRY S. BAIRD - Page 7

          Appeal No. 96-1990                                                           
          Application 07/536,910                                                       

          are performed to simulate different relative sizes in the                    
          subpatterns of a character (Leung, pp. 38-39).  Both shearing and            
          warping operations are performed no matter what the model symbols            
          are.  Leung, alone, would not have reasonably suggested the                  
          inputting of user selected defect class parameters and the                   
          generation of defective pixel representations according to the               
          defect classes specified by the inputted defect class parameters.            
          We agree with the appellant (Br. at 10) that the claimed                     
          invention permits the user to define his or her own defect model             
          and to generate defective pixel representations corresponding to             
          the defined model by selecting from among a number of defect                 
          classes.  Leung, on the other hand, does not disclose or suggest             
          user-selection of particular defect classes to tailor or                     
          customize the output pixel representations to the desired or                 
          preferred defect classes.                                                    
               For the foregoing reasons, we reverse the rejection of                  
          claims 6-34, 36-38 and 40-41 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being                  
          unpatentable over Leung.                                                     


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