Ex parte LONGCOR et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 97-0032                                                          
          Application No. 08/095,295                                                  

          NASE, Administrative Patent Judge                                           

               The appellants' invention relates to an expandable and                 
          collapsible container assembly.  Claims 26 and 33 are                       
          representative of the subject matter on appeal and a copy of                
          those claims, as they appear in the appellants' brief, is                   
          attached to this decision.                                                  

               The prior art references of record relied upon by the                  
          examiner as evidence of obviousness under 35 U.S.C. § 103 are:              
          Warren                        1,382,446           June 21, 1921             
          Connell et al. (Connell)      4,415,106           Nov. 15, 1983             
          Touzani                       4,492,313           Jan. 08, 1985             
          Worrall                       446,742             May  05, 1936             
                                        (Great Britain)                               
          Gershman, "Self-Adhering Nylon Tapes," Journal of the American              
          Medical Association, Vol. 168, No. 7, p. 930, Oct. 18, 1953.                


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