KEITH et al. V. COELHO - Page 29

          Interference No. 103,270                                                    

          cannot prevail because   they have failed to prove, by                      
          corroborated evidence, the exercise of diligence from "just                 
          prior" to Coelho's conception date.                                         
                    In summary, we conclude that:                                     
          (1)  Coelho conceived the invention of count 2 as of December               
          2, 1988;                                                                    
          (2)  Keith et al. conceived the invention of count 2 as of                  
          October 3, 1988;                                                            
          (3)  Keith et al. did not exercise reasonable diligence from                
          just prior to December 2, 1988.                                             
                    In view of the foregoing, Peter A. Keith and Daniel               
          O. Adams, the junior party, are not entitled to a patent                    
          containing claims 26, 27, 51, 52 and 60 of their involved                   
          application, designated as corresponding to the count.  Donald              
          A. Coelho, the senior party, is entitled to a patent                        
          containing claims 38, 40, 55 and 57 of his involved                         
          application, designated as corresponding to the count.                      


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