HOSHINO et al V. TANAKA - Page 30

          Interference No. 103,208                                                    
          Hoshino et al. v. Tanaka                                                    

          defocus amount in the calculation formula.  Specifically, if                
          the presence of a first order term of the defocus amount is                 
          what causes a substantial improvement according to one part of              
          Mr. Utagawa’s declaration, then the improvement due to a                    
          combination of having a first order term and dependence on the              
          sign of the defocus amount cannot be attributed solely to                   
          dependence on the sign of the defocus amount.  It should be                 
          noted that a first order term of the defocus amount                         
          necessarily attributes signifi- cance to the sign of the                    
          defocus amount.  Unlike the case with terms raised to an even               
          number power, the sign is not lost with  a first order term.                
          For these reasons, Motion H2 has not sufficiently                           
          distinguished proposed new count 2 from proposed  new count 3.              
               With respect to proposed new count 4, Mr. Utagawa                      
          essentially states that using an additional higher order term               
          together with a first order term of the detected amount of                  
          defocus yields further improvement because in some lens                     
          systems the relationship between the corrected conversion                   
          coefficient and the detected amount of defocus is not entirely              
          a straight-line (linear) relationship.  It is implicit that at              
          least in some lens systems the relationship is strictly linear              

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