HOSHINO et al V. TANAKA - Page 37

          Interference No. 103,208                                                    
          Hoshino et al. v. Tanaka                                                    

          Even if there had been no opposition from Tanaka, Hoshino’s                 
          Motion H2 should have been denied by the APJ, as it was.  The               
          APJ made clear that he did not consider the Larky and Fisher                
          declarations accompanying Tanaka’s opposition to Hoshino’s                  
          Motion H2.  The lack of a prima facie showing in Hoshino’s                  
          Motion H2 is determined independent of any evidentiary showing              
          by Tanaka.  The lack of specific factual basis for the                      
          conclusions expressed in Mr. Utagawa’s first declaration, the               
          vagueness of what constitutes "substantial" improvement, and                
          the lack of showing for "unexpectedness," all serve to support              
          the APJ’s determination regardless of anything said in the                  
          Larky and Fisher                                                            
          declarations.  We also agree with the following finding of the              
          APJ (Motions Decision at 8):                                                
               The APJ also finds that all of the alleged                             
               substantial improvements in Ken Utagawa’s first                        
               declaration are not supported by quantitative                          
               experimental results.  What is "substantial" to one                    
               may not be substantial to another.  And Hoshino et                     
               al. have failed to establish the extent of any such                    
               allegedly "substantial" improvement through                            
               objective and specific experimental data.                              
               Hoshino’s reply to Tanaka’s opposition is accompanied by               
          an additional declaration of Mr. Utagawa (second Utagawa                    
                                       - 37 -                                         

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Last modified: November 3, 2007