HOSHINO et al V. TANAKA - Page 42

          Interference No. 103,208                                                    
          Hoshino et al. v. Tanaka                                                    

          does not get an opportunity to complete a prima facie showing               
          by reliance on evidence submitted in the name of a "reply."                 
          If such non-reply replies are considered and given weight, it               
          can give rise to at least a full round of surreply with                     
          additional evi- dence for consideration and possibly even a                 
          further reply to address new issues raised in the surreply.  A              
          breakdown of the orderly procedure to present issues and                    
          evidence for considera- tion occurs, causing confusion and                  
          delay in the interference proceeding.                                       
               This is not a matter of not allowing Hoshino to reply to               
          the opposition of Tanaka.  But rather, Hoshino’s motion fails               
          even without our reliance on Tanaka’s opposition to Hoshino’s               
          Consequently, there is no occasion to consider Hoshino’s reply              
          and evidence submitted therewith.                                           
               For the foregoing reason, we sustain the APJ’s denial of               
          Hoshino’s motion to add proposed new counts 2, 3, and 4, and                
          also sustain the APJ’s decision to designate all of Hoshino’s               
          involved claims and Tanaka’s involved claims as corresponding               
          to count 1, not any one of Hoshino's proposed new counts 2, 3,              
          and 4.  The details of which claims according to Hoshino                    

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