HOSHINO et al V. TANAKA - Page 40

          Interference No. 103,208                                                    
          Hoshino et al. v. Tanaka                                                    

                    Proof of any material fact alleged in a motion,                   
               opposition, or reply must be filed and served with                     
               the motion, oppposition [sic], or reply unless the                     
               proof relied upon is part of the interference file                     
               or the file of any patent or application involved in                   
               the interference or any earlier application filed in                   
               the United States of which a party has been accorded                   
               or seeks to be accorded benefit.                                       
          The exceptions clearly have no application here.                            
               According to Hoshino (Br. at 25), the evidence submitted               
          with the reply and the arguments in the reply are properly                  
          directed toward Tanaka’s opposition to Hoshino’s Motion H2 and              
          only "coincidentally" bolster Hoshino’s original showings for               
          establishing a prima facie case for relief.  Also according to              
          Hoshino (Br. at 25), "coincidental" bolstering is not                       

               We disagree.  The bolstering cannot be proper and merely               
          "coincidental" where, as here, the original motion with the                 
          first Utagawa declaration does not establish a prima facie                  
          case for relief.  Because Hoshino’s motion fails even without               
          our consideration and reliance on Tanaka’s opposition to the                
          motion, additional evidence cannot, under the disguise of a                 
          reply, remedy the lack of a prima facie showing in the                      
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Last modified: November 3, 2007