KEITH et al. V. COELHO - Page 23

          Interference No. 103,270                                                    

                    the guidewire.  Thereafter, the physician                         
                    hold the guidewire in place at the proximal                       
                    end while deflating the captivation balloon                       
                    and removing the balloon on a stick or                            
                    captivation device.                                               
                    Euteneuer further testified that at the meeting                   
          Keith drew the concept on a board and they discussed various                
          issues with the system (KR-43, 44).  Also, during the meeting               
          Euteneuer made a list of the concepts generated and discussed               
          (JPX-2; KR-44).  Item 3 on the list refers to Keith's "balloon              
          on a stick" concept and reads "balloon along side a wire with               
          a wire in the balloon."  Euteneuer explained that (KR-45):                  
                    The "balloon along side a wire" phrase                            
                    refers to the captivation balloon being                           
                    positioned along side the guidewire within                        
                    the guide catheter. The "with a wire in the                       
                    balloon" indicates that the over-the-wire                         
                    balloon dilatation catheter is still within                       
                    the guide catheter and thus having the                            
                    guidewire extending therethrough.                                 
                    In view of this evidence, we conclude that Keith et               
          al. have established a conception of the invention of count 2               
          as of October 3, 1988.  Although not supported by drawings of               
          any apparatus to be used, the invention in issue is a method,               


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