KEITH et al. V. COELHO - Page 28

          Interference No. 103,270                                                    

          are dated "12/1/88," they are not signed by anyone.                         
          Euteneuer, who                                                              

          purports to corroborate them, states in his declaration that                
          (KR-48, emphasis added):                                                    
                    I recall discussing the drawing included as                       
                    Exhibit 7 and the description shown in                            
                    Exhibit 8 with Peter Keith on December 1,                         
                    1988, or a few days thereafter.  Exhibits                         
                    7-8 are true and accurate copies of the                           
                    original drawing and description I                                
                    discussed with Peter Keith on December 1,                         
                    1988, or a few days thereafter.                                   
          In addition, on cross-examination he testified at KR-532, 533               
          that he did not see Keith draw JPX-7, but he did see it                     
          "shortly after it was completed," "[d]ays at the most."                     
          Euteneuer testified as to JPX-8 that he did not see Keith                   
          prepare it, but read it when he discussed it with Keith, which              
          could have been   a week later than December 1 (KR-533, 534).               
          This testimony by Euteneuer does not corroborate that JPX-7                 
          and 8 were prepared   on December 1, but only that they were                
          in existence a few days (or as much as a week) thereafter.                  
          However, a few days after December 1 is also subsequent to                  
          Coelho's conception on   December 2.  Therefore, Keith et al.               


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