Ex parte KANLUEN et al. - Page 6

           Appeal No. 95-1909                                                                     
           Application No. 07/563,887                                                             

           copolymers after they are formed, it does not reasonably                               
           appear that the claimed and prior art products are identical                           
           or substantially identical.  It does not reasonably appear                             
           that Baur prepares copolymers having at least 10 ethylene                              
           oxide groups added, as a chain, to one carboxyl site.  In our                          
           judgment, therefore, Baur does not constitute sufficient                               
           evidence supporting a conclusion of prima facie anticipation                           
           or obviousness.  The examiner's position to the contrary,                              
           notwithstanding, Baur is insufficient to shift the burden of                           
           persuasion to applicants, requiring them to prove by                                   
           laboratory testing that the claimed copolymers patentably                              
           distinguish over the prior art copolymers.                                             
                 The examiner's decision is reversed.                                             

                            SHERMAN D. WINTERS                 )                                  
                            Administrative Patent Judge        )                                  
                            TERRY J. OWENS                     ) BOARD OF PATENT                  
                            Administrative Patent Judge        )   APPEALS AND                    
                                                               )  INTERFERENCES                   
                            ELIZABETH WEIMAR                   )                                  
                            Administrative Patent Judge        )                                  

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Last modified: November 3, 2007